Monday, February 29, 2016

IDHS Helps Equip Hoosiers with Weather Radios

Indiana-Department-of-Homeland-SecurityHoosiers have the chance to get a free all-hazard weather radio. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security is partnering with each county in the state to give away more than 4,800 of them.
According to the IDHS, the radios can pick up more than 60 types of emergency alert, including updates directly from the National Weather Service. IDHS Director of Public Information John Erickson says being able to get an early warning gives citizens the chance to take the appropriate action to keep themselves safe.
Each county’s emergency management agency will handle the distribution on the local level. Distribution efforts will focus on the economically disadvantaged, residents of mobile and prefabricated homes, and those not able to get weather alerts by other means.
The IDHS was able to purchase the radios with federal grant funding.

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