Thursday, February 13, 2014

Notes from Nubi 2/13/2014 Happy Day

Mom almost forgot that today was her younger sister's birthday (Happy Birthday, Auntie S).  She didn't mean to do it, but it's been a hectic week.  Heck, it's been a hectic year so far.  'Course mom did manage to remember that Friday is Valentine's Day and with Aunties birthday being the day before it really shouldn't be that hard to forget.

But mom does like to tell people that Auntie is one of those family members that you love dearly, but you would love them even better if they belonged to a different family.  You see Auntie is VERY talented, and while her birthday does occasionally fall on a Friday (making it a Friday the 13th) her original date of birth was a Wednesday.  Mom thinks having been born on the 13th is what makes Auntie so creative - she sews, cans, makes things with stained glass, does woodworking, makes jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, and who knows what else) and weaves beautiful baskets.  Heck, she can probably do just about anything that catches her interest.

And because Friday is Valentine's Day the Starke County Humane Society posted this on their Facebook page:
Please remember to keep your pets away from Valentine goodies. Many ingredients in candy can pose life-threatening issues for your pet, such as: Chocolate ( especially dark or baker's chocolate ), Chocolate covered raisins, Macadamia Nuts and Xylitol ( sugar substitute.) Also, be very cautious with your pets around flower arrangements that may contain Lillies. They are toxic to both cats and dogs.
Mom said she would buy me some treats that are good for my teeth and tummy. But no toys because I am a ninja dog and destroy them too fast.

So I hope you have a great birthday Auntie S and a great Valentine's Day, too.

Love Anubis

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