From February through October the NJ-WTPL Book Club gets together once a month to enjoy a good discussion about a book. We alternate between fiction and non-fiction, classics and those books destined to become classics with the occasional, but not intentional, clunker.
Oh, you're wondering what we do in November and December? Well, since our meetings occur on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. we decided that was just too close to Thanksgiving and Christmas for comfort. Each year we read at least two books have been made into movies; so on one Saturday early in November we bring in snacks (have to get rid of that leftover Halloween candy), try to get comfy on our plastic chairs, and watch a movie. December is just a bit fancier because we do a carry-in luncheon, try to get comfy on those darn plastic chairs, and watch a movie. Then because January is "Fill In Those Statistical Reports That Have To Go To The State Library" Month, and the weather is so unpredictable, we just don't meet.
We will be sending out the request for copies of our first selection for 2013, "Auntie Mame" by Patrick Dennis, on January 23rd. So if you are interested in becoming a part of our cozy little group contact the library at 574-896-2841 and we'll make sure to have a copy on hand for you.
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