Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Santa Claus is Coming to Town!
But this year it will be on Friday
night just before the Christmas tree lighting at 6 p.m.. Santa will
arrive in North Judson at 5:45 p.m. and make his way down Lane Street
from Sycamore to Main and then on to Norwayne Field. After the tree
lighting there will be hot cocoa and cookies served at the fireplace on
the top of the hill.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Hail the Heroine!
Those of you who have been holding your breath can now breathe - our tiny village has been saved!
And who is the heroine who has rescued the villagers from the mean turkey? None other than Claudia Floyd, whose name was chosen from the basket by one of the children who attended READ Jr. Tail Time on Saturday. Claudia picked up her turkey on Monday and it will be featured at her family's celebration on Thursday.
And who is the heroine who has rescued the villagers from the mean turkey? None other than Claudia Floyd, whose name was chosen from the basket by one of the children who attended READ Jr. Tail Time on Saturday. Claudia picked up her turkey on Monday and it will be featured at her family's celebration on Thursday.
Friday, November 18, 2011
It's Not Too Late...
You can still enter to become a hero/heroine and save our tiny village from the great big mean turkey. One of the children at Saturday's READ Jr. Tale Time (November 19th) will pick the name of person who will walk away with the turkey and into the legends of the village people.
The library is open until 6 p.m. tonight and you can still enter before 11:30 a.m. on Saturday. Good luck to everyone who has been brave enough to enter.
The library is open until 6 p.m. tonight and you can still enter before 11:30 a.m. on Saturday. Good luck to everyone who has been brave enough to enter.
"Have a Bad Day" Day is November 19th
Did you know that the 19th of November is "Have a Bad Day" Day? In honor of this, the theme for Saturday's READ Jr. Tale Time is bad days. And our special "guest of honor" will be Anubis's friend, Eeyore.
you can visit this website for more information on bizarre and unique holidays: http://www.holidayinsights.com/ . It's where I found out this fascinating fact: "Believe it or not, Have a Bad Day Day was created to encourage us to wish people to have a bad day. The intent is to have sales people stop saying to their customers "have a good day", and replace it with "have a bad day". "
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thank You For Stopping By
Thank you to everyone who baked or purchased cookies for the Friends of the Library Cookie Walk. In the short time of 5 hours we sold out and the Friends group made a profit of almost $500. In case you're wondering, the fund raising was part of a long range project by the Friends to help enhance the library's genealogical searches.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Temptation! Temptation!! Temptation!!!
All day cookies have been delivered to the library for the Friends of the Library Cookie Walk. Luckily I have been able to control myself so you'll have plenty to choose from when you go to Bailey's Discount Store on Saturday. Cookies will be sold by the pound, and based on the smell, they will be worth every penny you spend. Bon appetit!
GED Classes Back at NJ-WT Library
The North Judson-Wayne Township Library is once again a site for GED classes.
Classes are held on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and on Thursday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Registration for classes is done on a monthly basis.
For more information call the North Judson-Wayne Township Library at 574-896-2841. We will pass on your name and number to the teachers and they will get back to you on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Change Your Clocks Tonight
Yes, it’s the time of year for us to “Fall Behind.” Make sure that you set your clocks BACK one hour before you go to bed on November 5th so you won’t be late for church or any other appointments you have on Sunday.
Friends of the Library Cookie Walk
The holidays can fill you with dread. “How can I do everything that needs to be done before the big day arrives?”
Well, the Friends of the North Judson-Wayne Township Library want to help. On Saturday, November 12th, starting at 9 a.m. until they sell out the Friends will have a cookie walk at Bailey’s Discount Center selling cookies by the pound.
You can choose the cookies you like best and then, to avoid temptation, put them in the freezer until Thanksgiving. If you buy enough, you won’t have to worry about Christmas either.
SOV* *save our village
The people of our tiny village are being threatened by the largest, meanest turkey they have ever seen. They need your help!
To rescue them just visit the North Judson-Wayne Township Library, fill in a raffle ticket, and place it in the basket on the table. On November 19th we will draw the name of the hero/heroine who will save the village from this terrible menace.
To rescue them just visit the North Judson-Wayne Township Library, fill in a raffle ticket, and place it in the basket on the table. On November 19th we will draw the name of the hero/heroine who will save the village from this terrible menace.
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