Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Starke County Commissioners Review Dog Noise Abatement Ordinance

Posted on April 17, 2019
Author Anita Goodan, WKVI

The Starke County Commissioners held the first reading of an ordinance that addresses excessive dog barking.

The dog noise abatement ordinance states that a violation of the ordinance will be considered if “any dog or dogs excessively barks, howls or yelps intermittently or continuously for more than 15 minutes” that results in a complaint to law enforcement officials.  Action will also be taken if two or more complaints are filed by people in different households using public spaces such as roads, trails or parks, and are bothered by incessant barking, yelping or howling dogs.

The first offense will result in a warning to the dog owner, and additional offenses within a three year time frame will result in a fine not to exceed $100.  Habitual offenses will result in a fine not to exceed $500 per violation.

If a dog is engaged in lawful hunting and is accompanied by the owner or custodian, or if a dog is in the act of herding domestic animals for the benefit of the owner, they are considered exempt from violation of the ordinance.

The ordinance will be in effect once it is adopted.  It must pass three readings prior to its adoption and it must be advertised for the public to view.

The second reading of the ordinance is anticipated at the commissioners’ next meeting on Monday, May 6.

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