Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Round Lake Cemetery Flag Issue Resolved

Posted on January 16, 2018
Author Anita Goodan, WKVI

The issue concerning the removal of flags on veteran’s graves at the Round Lake Cemetery has been resolved.

Mark Gourley, acting as American Legion District Vice Commander, told the Starke County Commissioners last week that he sat in during the Round Lake Cemetery Association meeting on Monday, Jan. 8 and the action of placing and removing American flags on veteran’s graves at Round Lake Cemetery will now be handled by the Knox American Legion Post #131.

Officials with the North Judson American Legion Post brought attention to the issue In December when the flags were removed from veteran’s graves at Round Lake Cemetery after Memorial Day. Round Lake Cemetery Association President Harrison Fields commented that he researched the issue online and found that “all legion posts should follow the practice of removing flags from veteran’s graves as soon as possible after Memorial Day.” The North Judson post commander felt the flags should be left on graves all year round.

The county does provide funding for flags each year.

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