Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Practice Makes Perfect

I really don’t know where the summer has gone. One day it was June 1st and in just a few days it will be September 1st, and there were so many things I had planned on sharing with you about the North Judson Centennial this August.

No point in moaning about the past, let’s just get back on track with some photos of the events that were going on in August of 1966.

One of the big events was the choosing of the Centennial Queen. There were 13 contestants who vied for that position. Are you related to any of these ladies? And did you know they could have been royalty?  You'll find out in a few weeks who came out with the crown. 

And let's not forget the Centennial Pageant, that took plenty of practice to get things right. Here's a picture of some of the ladies involved with a skit about the first telephone operators.

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