Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Starke County Council Discusses Funding for SCEDF

Posted on February 21, 2018
Author Anita Goodan, WKVI

Funding for the Starke County Economic Development Foundation and the SCILL Center was discussed by the Starke County Council members Monday night.

Larry Wickert from the Starke County Economic Development Foundation presented the additional appropriation requests. He said the funding amounts are requested every year and the funding amount hasn’t changed. The foundation appropriation is in the amount of $180,000 while the SCILL Center would be funded at $80,000. The county normally pays the amounts in a spring installment and fall installment. Also included in the request was funding for maintenance and electric for the Hamlet firewell totaling $15,000.

A question about an upcoming contract negotiation between the county and the foundation was mentioned, but the funding amount was not modified in preliminary discussions.

The council approved the requests as presented with a unanimous vote.

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