Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm"

“The snow is snowing, the wind is blowing,
But I can weather the storm.
What do I care how much it may storm,
I've got my love to keep me warm.”

Thankfully Saturday, February 7th, wasn’t a snowy day.  But if you attended The Great American Songbook program at the North Judson-Wayne Township Library you spent a toasty afternoon listening to an assortment of songs from the Golden Age of Music.

The library’s Activity Room was filled to capacity with people enjoying the musical presentation by our new director, Michael Booth, and his fiancée, Ashley Rodwell.  With the presentation of each golden standard, the audience was invited to participate in the singing.  At times the enthusiasm of the voices lifted in song managed to slip out of the Activity Room and drift into the main library, to the enjoyment of those upstairs.

After the performance everyone had a chance to meet Mr. Booth and Miss Rodwell, and to welcome him to our library.  The Friends of the Library provided coffee and punch as well as an assortment of cookies, fruits, cheese balls and veggies to snack on.  

The North Judson-Wayne Township Library will sponsor another musical program on April 20th at the Auditorium of the North Judson-San Pierre High School.  Adam Miller, American folksinger and natural-born storyteller, will present a program of lively finger-picking acoustic guitar and stunningly beautiful autoharp melodies.  You can preregister for this event by calling the library at 574-896-2841 or by going to http://www.njwtpl.com, clicking the Upcoming Events Registration tab, and then choosing Adam Miller Registration.

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